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Where is the

Eternal Expanse? 

Featuring Aaron W Björk, Emilie Gervais, Faith Holland, Elisabeth Molin, Nicolas Sassoon, Miyö Van Stenis, and Katie Torn.

Where is the eternal expanse?  Can it be found in a Tesla car orbiting Mars, an Oculus headset in your parent's basement, or a freeport in Hong Kong? This exhibition approaches the multiverse through the presentation of two virtual worlds in an effort to explore how escapism and fantasy can be used as critical tools.


The slippery slope between perception and deception can be difficult to navigate when spurred on by an escapist desire to dislocate the mind from the body. However, this exploration can allow fantasy to be used as a new perspective—like trying on a different pair of glasses. The computer, our allegorical window, can then become a portal to the multiverse.


As a part of our exhibition program, weekly interviews have been published with all participating artists. Find all interviews, and the exhibition catalog here.



Curated by Valerie Amend + Benoit Palop

Exhibition Design by Emilie Gervais



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